The hemp plant is one of the most nutritious natural sources of protein found in plants. It is an economically viable crop and grows quickly. Every part of a hemp plant including fiber, leaf or seed is used as a food, medicine and raw material. Did you know that Columbus’ ships used hemp for their oil and ropes? Yeah, true story!

If you want a 100% organic and easily digestible protein powder, hemp protein powder may be one of the best choices. You can mix it with milk, make health shakes and eat it with yogurt!  However, it may be the newest or latest in the health crazed world we live in, so let’s break a few things down for you.

Hemp Protein Benefits Summary

  • It is a delicious organic product that you will find convenient to use
  • Hemp protein is easy to digest with much more nutrients for your body than animal based proteins
  • It contains natural antioxidants
  • Hemp is a high protein food source that helps with energy
  • It will reduce your unhealthy cravings for food to keep you slim
  • Hemp protein is very helpful for hair growth and nourishing the skin

Hemp Protein Powder Supplementshemp protien powder

The protein supplements basically provide your body with essential amino acids that build the muscle tissue. In addition, the hemp protein supplements contain nutrients that are excellent antioxidants and boost the immune system. They can enhance cellular and hormonal responses as well. It is preferable that you use these supplements with milk. You must also take care not to consume extremely high doses of protein supplements and use the correct amount for the easy digestion to get maximum benefits.

Hemp Protein Nutrition and Ingredients

Hemp seeds provide you plant based protein and contain all essential amino acids needed by the body. The hemp powder is also enriched with active enzymes, phyto-nutrients, vitamins A, B6, C and E, minerals including sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and iron to boost your health. The powder also contains omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids in an optimum ratio with a 2-4% GLA Antioxidant factors. These seeds also have other important nutrients to keep you healthy like fiber, phosphorus, chlorophyll, phytosterols, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, histidine, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine.

Something more interesting for vegan bodybuilders or fitness fanatics is that the hemp nut or shelled hemp seed contains about 35 % pure digestible protein. The hemp seed protein consists of 65% of high-grade Edestin Protein, which is the most potent protein from any plant source you can get. I mean, wow right? Yeah, that’s what we thought.

Source and Processing

The product needed to make hemp protein powders are grown by premium growers in Canada or California. The seeds are cold pressed to make the protein powder, then milled to make a fine powder at very low temperatures. The low temperatures help retain enzymes, vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients in their natural forms to give optimum health benefits.

You CANNOT get high from smoking hemp! In fact, hemp and marijuana share the same family-line of plants; the hemp plant does not contain the THC that marijuana does. Smoke it if you want.

Hemp Protein vs. Animal Based Proteins

Vegans do not use animal products whatsoever and their supplements are no exception. Protein powders in general provide the body the amino acids necessary for getting strength or building muscles. However, the animal based products tend to have more chemicals and products that the FDA does not regulate.

For example, most whey proteins are animal based and it’s produced from dairy sources. Not all is bad with whey protein since it has all the essential amino acids the body requires. Its concentrate contains any from 29% to 89% protein but it also includes some fat and lactose. In isolated form, whey protein can give you up to 90 % protein, but it typically tastes terrible.

The hemp protein is totally plant-based. It also provides you all the eight important amino acids your body needs. In addition, there are other essential nutrients beneficial for within hemp protein supplements. Those nutrients include fiber, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. The hemp protein will provide you a good amount of calories as well which will help fight hunger and keep the metabolism running all day which will give you energy.

But wait, there’s more!

In addition, it is also full of antioxidants that can boost your immune system and the protein will help build muscle from strenuous workouts.

Hemp powder is a notable vegan option for getting protein with extra nutrients for the health conscious consumer. It has no fillers or additives, one need to take much less hemp protein as compared to animal protein for getting equal benefits. The hemp protein is more soluble which means the fiber it contains be digested easily.

A genuine hemp protein powder is prepared from pure hemp seeds and is free from any fillers or additives. This is a great source if you are interested in a raw, gluten-free, vegan, and totally organic source of protein.


About the Author Veg Builder

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